Most times the homers are scarier than the homeless

Posted by Unknown
Violent attacker poster

Binners can read a variety of notices pinned up in the back alleys of Fairview, or probably any other neighbourhood, for that matter. Usually they concern missing cats -- a lot of cats go missing. Sometimes the notices offer a reward for something dropped, accidentally thrown away, or just plain stolen. In a lane off 16th Avenue and Owl painting rewardHeather Street, there is a posted reward for a painting of an owl which fell off a car's luggage rack: Owl be back? Not likely.

This "violent attacker" notice reads as though some "regular" fellow just went off on one of the block's rich residents. The bit about the grey-haired lady putting out poison is icing on the cake. This notice is only unusual because someone went to the trouble to plaster it all over the lane. The incidents described are not so unusual. There are always nutty grey-haired ladies trolling the lanes of Fairview. Their nuttiness may have a clear focus, like collecting bottles, or distributing sandwiches laced with pins. Putting out poison is a new one. Is she putting it out for dogs, coyotes, or binners? The notice doesn't elaborate.

Enraged male residents who'll jump out of their car and assault someone, are also not as rare as I'd like. In the last four weeks I've seen two rush hour incidents along West Broadway where male drivers nearly came to blows over perceived driving infractions. Both recent assaults I've heard of against homeless people, have been committed by "regular fellows" who just sucker-punched a homeless guy, for who knows what reason. Click the images to enlarge them.

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