Freemason bares all (well undoes his jacket)

Posted by Unknown
[caption id="attachment_7366" align="alignnone" width="497"] He covers up good. Mike Henderson is a sharp-dressed Mason.[/caption]

My friend Michael Henderson, Third Degree Freemason, stepped away from the proceedings of his Lodge meeting, a block away at the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon, just long enough to grab a wrap at the Broadway and Granville McDonald's, and pose for a photo. And why is the Past Master of his Lodge, Acacia No. 22, slumming in a common fast food restaurant when every Lodge meeting is followed by a sumptuous repast? "They ordered 20 pizzas, and they didn't even leave me a slice," Mike explained.

Masons eat pizza? I'm sure, rather than just getting thick or thin crust, they get some kind of special upper crust. Click the images to enlarge them.

[caption id="attachment_7367" align="alignnone" width="497"]chris Pin it on the Masons. The lapel of Mike's friend, and fellow Acacia member, Chris.[/caption]
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