Getting the Straight goods

Posted by Unknown
Travis Lupick taking my picture

Here's a photo I took of Travis Lupick taking my photo. Travis is the editor of The Georgia Straight's online magazine, He joined me for breakfast this morning to get a bit of my story -- the "former Georgia Straight employee, now homeless, hobo blogger" -- that's two hours of his life he'll never get back. This is the result of my post about the 30-year-old cutout Mr. Wuxtry which still graces the lobby of The Georgia Straight's swank West Broadway offices. My conversation with Travis was enlivened by a third party, a music teacher from Calgary, Alberta, who's name has already escaped me. Right after Travis left to get back to the office, his seat next to me was taken by Bill. I didn't know Bill at all, but I do know his sister, Stella, a talented designer who worked at The Georgia Straight ten years ago, and now, says Bill, has her own company. Click the image to enlarge it.

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