Jumping on the Belarus beaver bandwagon

Posted by Unknown
beaver-chainsawlinkbaitCan't help myself. I read the story -- who hasn't? Poor Belarus man, who tried to pick up a beaver -- like trying to grab a running chainsaw -- they have Darwin Awards for that sort of thing. My condolences to his family.

I watched the YouTube video, purporting to be the very footage of the killer beaver from the fellows's camera, and felt a keen thrill. But, I then read that it's probably footage of a different incident involving a Russian guy (and thus a Russian beaver); so, that was dissappointing.

Canada flagI thought how Canada has such luck with national symbols, the chief one being the Maple Leaf (don't get me started on the Leafs), which graces, our, admittedly beautiful, flag. Then, of course, beavers, which grace our nickel, and then there's Canada geese, surely one of the laziest, foulest, and most bad-tempered of all birds, with the possible exception of swans.

Canadian Nickel reverseWhat ultimately held my attention is how, in less than 24 hours, every Tom, Dick, and Harriet, was running with their own angle on this story of cuteness gone wrong. Nothing left for little old me, and, anyways, I think it's unseemly, and callous how people can be entertained by such a tragedy. It's a dam shame!

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